this all is just a quick scratch. Please feel free to make it look better. No need for sophisticated design, just plain simple and fast to load.
Just a simple login form. No forgot password. User creation should be manual with a form in the backend. However users should be able to change password.
A contact link in the footer
contact page. Captcha secured
Contact Us
Abuse Report
ClownCrypt.CC is not hosting any files. We are just providing a service to make referring to links and link collections easier by generating one final link. If you are sure and have proof that one of our containers contains any link which causes damage to 3rd parties you can fill out the abuse form and we will look what we can do.
IMPORTANT: If you want a real deletion of the links you have to ask the site operator where our container is linked to. Your best chance to get links removed is by directly contacting the site operator of the link.
Form which is shown after login. Right top user settings. Just to change password and email
Page with container links after submitting. Copieable with click
Public Container Page. After clicking links (should be javascript, so they cant be directly seen in source) they stay in the hovered state.
Possibility to place advertisements left right top bottom.
click n load button is base64 encoded comma seperated list (
Before seing the links should be a captcha (google v3 or maybe you have a better idea)
The countdown for the resets and the text should only be visible 5 hours before the reset starts.
Links are scheduled for change in: 4 : 59 : 59
( hour/s) (min) (sec)
Make sure to finish partial downloads before countdown runs out.
You can come back and check for updates 5 minutes after countdown ran out.