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The Linkcrypter on Steroids

Crypt / Edit / Synchronize /Automate

Extensive API to make you the Creator

We offer the tools so you can start creating what is on your mind.
Be free, be creative. Impress us, yourself and others!

Cloud Sync

Connect to multiple Cloud Hosters to sync files. SFTP, Gdrive, Dropbox and +20 other services

Crypt Links

Fight unwanted bots and traffic stealers by creating secure containers with secure links.

Code Automations

Add your own python code to automate your work flows to sync, edit, create, delete, crypt containers

Analyze Traffic

Detailed reporting statistics let you see the traffic from your containers. Map where access is coming from, whitelist or blacklist regions, devices and user behaviours so you only get the traffic you want.

Website and WordPress Connect

Connect your Webiste with our coding tools and automatically publish your crypt containers without hassle. Lean back and concentrate on growing.

Ready To Get Started?*

*registration during testing period is only possible by invitation

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Cloud Sync Enabled

API Connected

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This container was created by a user. ClownCrypt.CC is not responsible for the content of this container

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